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The Parachute Factory is a community makerspace in Las Vegas, NM. In partnership with the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, the New Mexico State Library, New Mexico Highlands University, and AmeriCorps, the Parachute Factory heads the Makestate Initiative. The Makerstate Initiative provides workshops and events around the state to excite New Mexico communities about new and emerging technologies. As an AmeriCorps Cultral Technology intern I work as the Youth Outreach and NMSL Coordinator for the Parachute Factory. My job is to organize and schedule workshops and events at libraries around the state. I also create lesson plans and administer workshops in 3D printing, scanning, and design, programming with Scratch and Arduino, Makey Makey, Little Bits, conductive ink, electronic origami, electronic textiles, and toothbrush robots.


Check out our upcoming events

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